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Following commands are very handy when troubleshooting backup and restore operations:

  1. Checking logs for a backup or restore resource:
  2. Backup logs

    velero backup logs <backup-name> -n <velero-namespace>
  3. Restore logs

    velero restore logs <restore-name> -n <velero-namespace>
  4. Download Completed Backups:

 velero backup download <backup-name> -n <velero-namespace>
  1. Describe backups or restores: The --details flag in the command gives the list of all the resources backedup/restored.
  2. Describe backup

     velero describe backup <backup-name> -n <velero-namespace>
     velero describe backup <backup-name> -n <velero-namespace> --details
  3. Describe restore

     velero describe restore <restore-name> -n <velero-namespace>
     velero describe restore <restore-name> -n <velero-namespace> --details