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Promote your Application#

To promote application from one environment to another; as mentioned above you will need to bump chart version and image tag version in that environment. You can do so by picking these versions from previous environment.

This guide assumes that application is already on-boarded to different environments.

1. Promote chart#

To promote application from one environment to another, you can check the chart version from Chart.yaml file from one environment and update version in Chart.yaml of next environment:

apiVersion: v2
  - name: <application-name>
    repository: <application-chart-repo>
    version: 1.0.51
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
name: <application-name>
version: 1.0.51

pick version 1.0.51 from above Chart.yaml and copy it in Chart.yaml of next environment

2. Promote image#

To promote application from one environment to another, you can check the image tag version from values.yaml file from one environment and update version in values.yaml of next environment:


        repository: nexus-docker-stakater-nexus.{CLUSTER_DOMAIN}/
        tag: 1.0.51

Note: Find Nexus Docker registry URL and Helm Registry URL here

Pick version 1.0.51 and paste it to next environment


        repository: nexus-docker-stakater-nexus.{CLUSTER_DOMAIN}/
        tag: 1.0.50