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Updating Clusters#

Version: 30 Jan 2023

The OpenShift cluster and its components are constantly evolving, with functional and security issues being detected and fixed during operation. New features emerge regularly.

Types of Updates#

The following update types are available:

  • Major-release is a planned update of cluster components that involves making backwards-incompatible API changes. Releases result in incrementing the major version (X) component in the semantic version number (X.Y.Z).

  • Minor-release is a planned update of cluster components that involves a feature extension or change. Releases result in incrementing the minor version (Y) component in the semantic version number (X.Y.Z).

  • Patch-release is an unplanned update of cluster components to fix errors or other functional issues that have already led or may lead to instability of the cluster. Patch-releases result in incrementing the patch version (Z) component in the semantic version number (X.Y.Z).

The cluster may be updated on a schedule according to the update windows defined for the cluster. The available options for configuring update windows for the cluster are:

Type of update Update time Non-Prod Prod
Major- or Minor-release Regular business hours Selecting a time window for updates isn't possible Selecting a time window for updates is possible
Major- or Minor-release Non-business hours Not available For an additional fee
Patch-release Regular business hours Selecting a time window for updates isn't possible Selecting a time window for updates isn't possible
Patch-release Non-business hours Not available For an additional fee