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Adding External Secrets for your Application#

Securing sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, and tokens, is crucial for any application. In this tutorial, we will explore how to leverage ExternalSecrets to securely manage and consume secrets stored in Vault for your Stakater Nordmart Review application. Now, we will set up applications to consume secrets from Vault, using ExternalSecrets.


  • Successfully integrate External Secrets within the Stakater Application Chart, allowing your application to consume secrets from Vault.

  • Create a secret using ExternalSecrets for the Stakater Nordmart Review API application.

  • Observe the dynamic retrieval of secrets from Vault and their seamless integration into your application, ensuring enhanced security and simplified secret management.

Key Results#

  • Discover how to configure the External Secrets Operator to fetch secret data from Vault and create Kubernetes secrets within the cluster.

  • Explore how to integrate External Secrets into your Stakater Application Chart, enabling seamless consumption of Vault secrets by your applications.


Create Secret in Vault#

Login to Vault to view your tenant path.

  1. Access Vault from Forecastle console, search Vault and open the Vault tile.


  2. From the drop-down menu under Method, select OIDC and click on Sign in with OIDC Provider and select workshop identity Provider.


  3. You will be brought to the Vault console. You should see the key/value path for your tenant.

    secret engines

  4. Click on <your-tenant>/kv/.

  5. You will now be brought to the secrets and the configurations in Vault for your tenant. Click on create secret.

    create secret

  6. Let's create a MongoDB secret. Write the name of the secret in path which is review-mongodb-creds. Add secret data mongodb-password and mongodb-root-password and assign any password you like. Hit save.

    key value secret MongoDB

  7. Secret is created in Vault.

    secret created

Access and Create a Secret on SAAP from Vault#

  • External Secrets Operator is used to fetch secret data from Vault and create Kubernetes secret in the SAAP.
  • External Secrets Operator uses SecretStore to make a connection to the Vault.
  • SecretStore uses ServiceAccount with Vault label to access Vault.
  • SecretStore and ServiceAccount are created in each tenant namespace.
  • Each ExternalSecret CR contains a reference to SecretStore to be used.
  • Stakater Application Chart contains support for ExternalSecret.

  • In deploy/values.yaml file, add the following YAML for external secret:

    # Enable the usage of ExternalSecrets for this application
      enabled: true
      # The name of the SecretStore to be used for fetching secret data from Vault, this name is constant
        name: tenant-vault-secret-store
        kind: SecretStore
      # Define the interval at which ExternalSecrets should refresh and update the secrets
      refreshInterval: "1m"
      # Define a named secret entry within ExternalSecrets
      # Name of the secret only suffix
      # Fetch secret data from Vault using a specific key in the specified tenant's KV engine
            key: <your-tenant>/kv/review-mongodb-creds


    Replace with the actual name of your tenant or the appropriate path in your Vault instance. The indentation should be application.externalSecret.

  • Save the values.yaml and run tilt up at the root of your directory. Press the space key to view the progress in Tilt web UI. The application should be running in the namespace used in tilt_options.json file.

  • Log in to SAAP and find secrets in your namespace.

    MongoDB secret

  • Click on the review-mongodb-creds secret. Scroll down to see the data of your secret. So the secret is created accurately.

    secret details

  • Scroll up to see the owner, which manages your secret.

    external secret cr

  • Click on review-mongodb-creds, to see the External Secret CR. Click on resources to verify what External Secret is managing.

    external secret resources

Once the updated secret is created, the application pod will be recreated. Refresh to see if the pods are running.

running pods

For more information on ExternalSecrets, see External Secrets documentation

You are doing great!! Let's see how to configure probes for your application in the next tutorial.