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Configuring Azure AD identity provider#

  1. To enable login with Azure AD (Microsoft's) account you first have to register an OAuth application on Azure. Go to the
  2. Open Azure Active Directory service
  3. On the tab on the left under Manage section click App Registrations
  4. Click on New Registration. Use saap under Name. Under Redirect URI section Choose Web and enter the Redirect URI (This will be provided by Stakater Support) and click Register Azure AD
  5. Click on the Newly created app saap. Click Certificates & secrets from the left tab. Click New Client Secret. Under Expires pick any option. Under Description put saap oidc and click Add Certificates and Secrets
  6. Copy the value of the newly client secret and take note of the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID of the saap from the Overview section. Send this to Stakater Support Client-Tenant-ID

Items provided by Stakater Support#

  • Redirect URIs

Items to be provided to Stakater Support#

  • Application (client) ID
  • Directory (tenant) ID
  • client Secret