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External downtime alerting

Stakater App Agility Platform provides downtime notifications for Applications via IngressMonitorController which out of the box integrates with UptimeRobot and many other services. For this guide we will configure a Slack channel for receiving the alerts; but you can configure any medium supported by the service (email, PagerDuty, etc.).

To configure downtime alerting do following:

  1. Configure incoming webhook in Slack
  2. Create alert contact on UptimeRobot with webhook
  3. Update IMC configuration
  4. Enable EndpointMonitor in the application
  5. Validate downtime notification

1. Configuring incoming webhook in Slack

  • While in your Slack workspace, left-click the name of your workspace, and pick Administration > Manage Apps from the dropdown Menu.
  • A new browser window should appear in which you can customize your workspace. From here, navigate to Custom Integrations and then to Incoming WebHooks.
  • Now you can configure a new Incoming WebHook by clicking the big, green Add Configuration button.
  • The first form lets you pick any existing channel or user on your workspace to notify when the WebHook is called. A new channel can also be created here.
  • After picking a channel or user to be notified, click the Add Incoming WebHooks Integration Button. The most important part on the next screen is the WebHook URL. Make sure you copy this URL and send it to Stakater Support
  • Near the bottom of this page, you may further customize the Incoming WebHook you just created. Give it a name, description and perhaps a custom icon.

Items to be provided to Stakater Support

  • Incoming WebHook URL

2. Create alert contact on UptimeRobot with webhook

Create alert contact on UptimeRobot

3. Update IMC configuration

Update IngressMonitorController configuration

4. Enable EndpointMonitor in the application

Stakater Helm application chart supports endpointMonitor; just enable it i.e.

  enabled: true

5. Validate downtime notification

Reduce replicas to zero; and you should receive downtime notification!

    replicas: 0

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