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Package and push your chart to Nexus#


  • Push artifacts to Nexus Registry hosted on Stakater App Agility Platform (SAAP).

Key Results#

  • Helm chart package and pushed to Nexus.


Get Nexus Helm Registry URL#

Docker Image and Helm Chart Repository hosted by Nexus#

Ask admin Helm Registry Credentials for helm chart repository.

Find Nexus Helm Registry URL here.

Alternatively, Navigate to the cluster Forecastle, search nexus using the search bar on top menu and copy the nexus URL.

  • nexus-helm-reg-url : Add -helm in URL after nexus and append /repository/helm-charts/. This URL points to Helm Registry referred as nexus-helm-reg-url in this tutorial for example


Package and Upload the chart to Nexus#

  1. Run the following command to package the helm chart into compressed file.
# helm package [CHART_PATH]
helm package .

This command packages a chart into a versioned chart archive file.

  1. Upload packaged chart to Nexus Helm Registry.
curl -u "<helm_user>":"<helm_password>" `nexus-helm-reg-url` --upload-file "CHART_NAME-CHART_VERSION.tgz"

Make sure to get credentials from Stakater Admin.

  1. Open Nexus UI from Forecastle. Upon opening the link, you'll be redirected to Nexus home page.

    nexus-Forecastle nexus-homepage

  2. Select Browse from the left sidebar, Click on Helm Charts to view your Helm Registry Charts.


  3. Verify that the chart you uploaded is present in the list.
