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Add Synthetic Monitoring using UptimeRobot#

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of configuring UptimeRobot's Endpoint Monitoring to generate alerts for your application on SAAP based on its availability. Additionally, we'll cover the setup of TLS for secure communication with your application, enhancing data integrity and privacy.


  • Enable and configure UptimeRobot's Endpoint Monitoring for your application on SAAP.
  • Generate a self-signed TLS certificate and create a TLS secret in SAAP.
  • Update the Ingress configuration to include TLS settings for secure communication.

Key Results#

  • Successful configuration of UptimeRobot Endpoint Monitoring, implementation of TLS for secure communication for your deployed application.


Enable Endpoint Monitoring in values.yaml#

  1. You need to add the following lines to your deploy/values.yaml file:
  ## Endpoint Monitor
    enabled: true

Create a TLS Certificate#

  1. Review the https setting in our application chart template for Endpoint Monitor, you'll find out that the https is true by default. So for that purpose we need to create a TLS certificate.

    openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout tls.key -out tls.crt -subj "/CN=review.<CLUSTER_NAME>"

    Note: Add your cluster name in the above route.

    Now we have our TLS certificate and TLS key. Save it to a path.

Create a TLS Secret#

  1. Let's create TLS secret on your cluster. Identify the namespace you are using to deploy the application.

    oc create secret tls review-tls-secret -n <YOUR_NAMESPACE> --cert=/path/to/your/tls.crt --key=/path/to/your/tls.key

Update Ingress Configuration in values.yaml#

  1. By default, Endpoint Monitor uses ingress. As we already have created TLS secret, let's modify it by adding the TLS secret to our ingress configuration.

    # Ingress
      enabled: true
      ingressClassName: openshift-default
      servicePort: http
        - host: review.<CLUSTER_NAME>
          - path: /
            servicePort: 'http'
        - secretName: review-tls-secret # TLS Secret name that we created above
            - review.<CLUSTER_NAME>
  2. Save and run tilt up at the root of your directory. Hit the space bar and the browser with TILT logs will be shown. If everything is green then the changes will be deployed on the cluster.

  3. Navigate to SAAP to see our configurations. Let's first check ingress, go to your namespace and then switch to Networking > Ingresses.


    Verify that the Ingress is created with the name review.

  4. Next, check the Routes. As TLS is in use, the route should now have https now. In your namespace, go to Networking > Routes.


    Confirm that the route has been updated to use https.

  5. Let's verify our Endpoint Monitor, it should be created by now. Go to Home > Search > Resources, type Endpoint Monitor. If you are in your namespace, you'll see an Endpoint Monitor created there.

    endpoint monitor

    We have an Endpoint Monitor with the name review. Awesome!

    You can also view it's YAML, click on the name and go to yaml:

    endpoint monitor YAML

Great job! You've successfully configured UptimeRobot Endpoint Monitoring to generate alerts for your SAAP application based on its availability. Now, whenever your application experiences downtime, an alert will be triggered on your UptimeRobot alert contact.