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Containerize the Application#

Running workloads in Kubernetes/OpenShift requires the application to be containerized. Typically, this includes taking a relevant base image, installing application dependencies if not available, copying & building the code and command to run your application executed at runtime.


  • Containerize your application for deployment on Stakater App Agility Platform (SAAP).

Key Results#

  • Dockerfile created.
  • Image built and pushed to image repository


Consider the stakater-nordmart-review-api application.

git clone
cd stakter-nordmart-review-api

Lets create a Dockerfile inside the repository folder and delete any existing file.

  1. Decide a base image for your application. Navigate to RedHat Container Registry and Find a suitable image for your application. Since this application is java application. We use maven base image.

    FROM maven:3.8.6-openjdk-11-slim AS build
  2. Use COPY and RUN commands to copy required content to containers filesystem and run commands in containers context.

    COPY src /usr/src/app/src
    COPY pom.xml /usr/src/app
    RUN mvn -f /usr/src/app/pom.xml clean package
  3. We will use another FROM statement to create a multi-stage build for reducing the overall image size. More info here. With multi-stage builds, you use multiple FROM statements in your Dockerfile. Each FROM instruction can use a different base, and each of them begins a new stage of the build. You can selectively copy artifacts from one stage to another, leaving behind everything you don't want in the final image.

  4. Add labels to your image, if any.

    LABEL name="inventory" \
    maintainer="Stakater <hello@stakater. com>" \
    vendor="Stakater" \
    release="1" \
    summary="Java Spring boot application"
  5. Set an environment variable with ENV command and set it as working directory.

    ENV HOME=/opt/app
  6. Use EXPOSE command to expose a container port, typically this corresponds to port on which application runs.

    EXPOSE 8080
  7. JAR files were generated as a result of mvn package. Copy the artifact generated from build stage.

    COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/target/*.jar $HOME/artifacts/app.jar
  8. Define user.

    USER 1001
  9. Set the Entrypoint

    ENTRYPOINT exec java $JAVA_OPTS -jar artifacts/app.jar
  10. Finally, specify the command to be executed when container is created with this image, typically the command to run the application.

    CMD ["java", "-jar", "artifacts/app.jar"]
  11. Run the following command to build the image.

    docker build -t <app-name>:1.0.0 .
  12. Execute the following command to run the image.


    To run the application container you need Mongo_DB server running.

    # -p flag exposes container port 8080 on your local port 8080
    # --env flag allows Mongo_DB necessary environment variables; e.g. MONGO_HOST, MONGO_DB_PASS
    docker run -dt -p [<localhost-port>:<container-port>] --env <variable1>=<value> --env <variable2>=<value> <image-name>:1.0.0


    If Mongo_DB server is running on your local machine, replace -p flag and it's values with --network="host".

    docker run -dt --network="host" --env <variable1>=<value> --env <variable2>=<value> <image-name>:1.0.0
  13. Run a curl command to verify that image is running.

    curl localhost:8080/api/review/329199

    curl output

Read the following articles for more information: