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Backup Strategy#

The 3-2-1-1-0 Backup Rule is a modern extension of the traditional backup strategy designed to ensure data protection and recovery. Here's what it stands for:

  • 3 Copies of Your Data: Keep three copies of your data: the primary data and two backups. This ensures redundancy.
  • 2 Different Storage Types: Store backups on at least two different types of media (e.g., disk and tape, or local and cloud) to avoid single points of failure.
  • 1 Offsite Backup: Keep one backup copy offsite, such as in a remote data center or a cloud service, to protect against local disasters.
  • 1 Immutable Backup: Have at least one backup that is immutable or air-gapped, ensuring it cannot be modified or deleted (e.g., WORM storage or offline backups).
  • 0 Errors After Backup Verification: Regularly verify and test backups to ensure they are error-free and can be restored when needed.

This rule provides a comprehensive approach to safeguarding against data loss due to hardware failure, natural disasters, cyberattacks, or human error.