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Build and Push your Image to Nexus#


  • Push artifacts to Nexus Registry hosted on Stakater App Agility Platform (SAAP).

Key Results#

  • Image built and pushed to image repository


Build the Image#

  1. Run the following command to build the image.

    buildah bud --format=docker --tls-verify=false --no-cache-f ./Dockerfile -t <nexus-docker-reg-url>/<app-name>:1.0.0 .
  2. Run the following command to run the image.

    # -p flag exposes container port 8080 on your local port8080
    buildah run <nexus-docker-reg-url>/<app-name>:1.0.0 .

Login to Image Registry#

  1. Find the Image registry URL here or Navigate to the cluster Forecastle, search nexus using the search bar on top menu and copy the nexus URL.

    • nexus-docker-reg-url: Remove https:// from the start and add -docker in URL after nexus. This URL points to Docker Registry referred as nexus-docker-reg-url in this tutorial for example
  2. Run following command to log into the registry. > Make sure to get credentials from Stakater Admin.

    buildah login <nexus-docker-reg-url>

Push Docker Image to Nexus#

  1. Replace the placeholders and Run the following command inside application folder.

    # Buldah Bud Info :
    buildah bud --format=docker --tls-verify=false --no-cache -f ./Dockerfile -t <nexus-docker-reg-url>/<app-name>:1.0.0 .
  2. Lets push the image to nexus docker repo.

    # Buildah push Info
    buildah push <nexus-docker-reg-url>/<app-name>:1.0.0 docker://<nexus-docker-reg-url>/<tenant-name>/<app-name>:1.0.0

Verify Image Available#

  1. Open Nexus UI from Forecastle. Upon opening the link, you'll be redirected to Nexus home page.

    nexus-Forecastle nexus-homepage

  2. Select Browse from the left sidebar, Click on docker to view your Container Image Registry.


  3. Verify that the image you pushed is present in the list.
