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Data Collection#

The Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes platform does not collect sensitive personal data. It does create and manage technical data, such as an administrator user ID and password, service user IDs and passwords, IP addresses, and Kubernetes node names, which might be considered personal data. The Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes platform also deals with information about users who manage the platform. All such information is only accessible by the system administrator through a management console with role-based access control or by the system administrator though login to a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes platform node.

Applications that run on the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes platform might collect personal data.

When you assess the use of the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes platform running containerized applications and your need to meet the requirements of GDPR, you must consider the types of personal data that are collected by the application and aspects of how that data is managed, such as:

  • How is the data protected as it flows to and from the application? Is the data encrypted in transit?
  • How is the data stored by the application? Is the data encrypted at rest?
  • How are credentials that are used to access the application collected and stored?
  • How are credentials that are used by the application to access data sources collected and stored?
  • How is data collected by the application removed as needed?

This is not a definitive list of the types of data that are collected by the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes platform. It is provided as an example for consideration. If you have any questions about the types of data, contact Red Hat.