A GCP account is needed to create and manage cluster on GCP. The following criteria must be met:
- An account on GCP
- A Stakater user (ask Stakater team for the email to use for this user) with admin privileges on a separate project (Recommended). See the required permissions for GCP if you do not want to grant admin privilege.
- Resource limits must be applied on the account and the following resources must be allowed to be created:
Type | Limit |
Virtual Machines | Varies. The limit should be 12 initially. (Initial deployment is 3 control plane + 3 infra + 3 worker) |
Regional vCPUs | The limit should be A x B x 2 , where A = no. of VMs (worker + infra + control plane), B = vCPUs per VM) |
In-use global IP addresses | 4 |
Service accounts | 5 |
Firewall Rules | 11 |
Forwarding Rules | 2 |
Routers | 1 |
Routes | 2 |
Subnetworks | 2 |
Firewall Rules | 11 |
Persistent Disk SSD (GB) | 896 |
Target Pools | 3 |
Machine Specifications | 9 machines of 8x32x120G |
Region | Region will be identified by the customer |
Node autoscaling is available on GCP. You can configure the autoscaler option to automatically scale the number of machines in a cluster.