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Framework Agreement#

Version: 9 May 2023


Stakater AB, David Bagares gata 26A, 111 38 Stockholm, Sweden

(Hereinafter referred to as "STAKATER")



(Hereinafter referred to as "CUSTOMER")

Each individually a "Party" and together the "Parties"



(of this "Framework Agreement")

  1. Introduction

    STAKATER is Sweden's leading Kubernetes services and enablement company and the CUSTOMER would like to obtain these services from STAKATER according to the terms of this contract.

  2. Scope of Regulation

    1. This Framework Agreement (FA) regulates the cooperation between the CUSTOMER and STAKATER.
    2. Defined terms from one part of the contract also apply to the other parts of the contract unless otherwise specifically agreed.
  3. Term and Duration of FA

    1. This Framework Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by both Parties.
    2. The framework agreement shall be renewable with mutual consent post the completion of existing orders.
    3. A termination of this Framework Agreement is possible at the earliest after the completion of all ongoing orders.
  4. Orders and Changes

    1. The CUSTOMER can make a written request to STAKATER at any time by giving details of the desired services for an order. STAKATER may either reject the order, discuss further details with the CUSTOMER or make a non-binding proposal to the CUSTOMER using the completed order form in accordance with (the "Order Form"). The order is only validated by the legally valid signature (including e-signature) of the order by both Parties.
    2. A change to an existing order can be agreed in binding directly by email or in the customer portal by the authorized persons designated by the Parties.
    3. Each order is subject to the provisions of this Framework Agreement and its Annexes if any.
  5. Scope of Services and Charges

    1. The specific scope of services and its charges are set out in the Order Form and the service descriptions and prices referenced therein. STAKATER can provide the CUSTOMER with indicative service descriptions and price lists to simplify the ordering process. However, an order is only placed after confirmation by STAKATER.
    2. The CUSTOMER can at any time make a request to STAKATER for extension of services under an existing contract, for mutually agreed term and price. Stakater reserves the right to accept or reject this request.
  6. Service Level Agreement

    The Service Level Agreement (SLA) shall be applicable according to respective SLA Matrix referenced herein or as an additional appendix.

  7. Contractual and Performance Review

    1. The Parties agree to regularly review the performance and execution of the contract, make improvements, and to address potential conflicts at an early stage and settle them by mutual agreement.
    2. The CUSTOMER shall designate an authorized representative for communication and exchange information with STAKATER.
    3. The respective representative from STAKATER shall be the designated contact person to review and discuss the performance with CUSTOMER and is regarded as the authorized person.
    4. Any changes or actions in result to the review(s) must be mutually agreed to and officially documented.
  8. Further Provisions

    All other provisions are set out in the General Terms and Conditions and in the other referenced documents.

  9. Amendment

    Deviations from the generally applicable documents (such as the GTC) are reference here.