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An Azure subscription is needed to create and manage cluster on Azure. The following criteria must be met:

  • An Azure subscription
  • A Stakater user (ask Stakater team for the email to use for this user) with privileges to create an application in Azure AD (Recommended). Create a Service Principal to be used by SAAP installer if you do not want to give permissions to Azure AD.
  • Resource limits must be applied on the subscription and the following resources must be allowed to be created:
Type Limit
Virtual Machines Varies. The limit should be 12 initially. (Initial deployment is 3 control plane + 3 infra + 3 worker)
Regional vCPUs The limit should be A x B x 2 , where A = no. of VMS (worker + infra + control plane), B = vCPUs per VM)
Public IP addresses 5
Private IP Addresses 7
Network Interfaces 6
Network Load Balancers 3
Virtual Networks 1
StandardStorageSnapshots 10000 (depends on how many disks are used) and backup duration
Machine Specifications 6 machines of 8x32x120G
Region Region will be identified by the customer


Node autoscaling is available on Azure. You can configure the autoscaler option to automatically scale the number of machines in a cluster.