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Backup and Restore#

Back up and restore applications on Stakater App Agility Platform (AAP)


You need Velero CLI setup, follow the velero-cli doc

Service viewpoint#


Stakater App Agility Platforms divides backups into two:

  1. Customer backups
  2. Platform Tools backups

These Backups are stored on the Cloud Provider under your account.

Customer Backups#

There are 3 default backup schedules for customers that are deployed with offered Velero tool:

Schedule Backup Frequency Backup Retention Backup Scope
Daily Customer Workload Backup Every 24 hrs Last 7 Backup(s) Objects + PV Snapshots
Hourly Full Cluster Object Backup Every hour Last 24 Backup(s) Objects
Weekly Full Backup Once Every week Last 4 Backup(s) Objects + PV Snapshots

Platform Tools backups#

Stakater only takes backups of the managed applications:

Tool Backup Frequency Backup Retention
Nexus Every 24 hrs Last 3 Backup(s)
Prometheus (Cluster) Every 24 hrs Last 3 Backup(s)
Prometheus (Applications) Every 24 hrs Last 3 Backup(s)
Elasticsearch Every 24 hrs Last 3 Backup(s)
Vault Every 24 hrs Last 3 Backup(s)
SonarQube Every 24 hrs Last 3 Backup(s)
CodeReadyWorkspaces Every 24 hrs Last 3 Backup(s)
RHSSO (Keycloak) Every 24 hrs Last 3 Backup(s)
ArgoCD Every 24 hrs Last 3 Backup(s)

If you want to change backup frequency/retention times for your specific needs, contact support.


Resources can be restored on demand. Please contact support and specify the following

  • Time to restore back to.
  • Namespaces to include/exclude from backup
  • Resources to include/exclude from backup
  • labelSelector to filter objects to restore
  • Whether to include cluster resources or not
  • Whether to restore PVs or not (Not applicable on Object Only Backups)

Technical viewpoint#

Stakater App Agility Platform uses managed Velero operator to provision the Velero server. This backup and restore process can be used for both disaster recovery and cluster migration.


Using Schedules and Read-Only Backup Storage Locations & Volume Snapshot Locations.

First things first, Velero needs a BackupStorageLocation where backups can be stored These are including the backup destination storage information

  • BackupStorageLocation CR ex:
kind: BackupStorageLocation
  name: default
  namespace: openshift-velero
      region: eu-central-1
      bucket: *********
    provider: aws
  • VolumeSnapshotlocation CR (Not needed when using CSI Plugin for backups) ex:
kind: VolumeSnapshotLocation
  name: default
  namespace: openshift-velero
      region: eu-central-1
    provider: aws

Then schedule the backup by using the backup locations and specifying the various filters for backup target.

  • Create Schedule CR ex:
kind: Schedule
  name: backup-schedule
  namespace: openshift-velero
    schedule: 0 */6 * * *
        * key: app
          operator: In
        * nexus
      includeClusterResources: true
      * '*'
      * '*'
      snapshotVolumes: true
      storageLocation: default
      ttl: 24h0m0s
      * default

Or you can specify a single Backup using a backup CR.

  • Create a Backup CR ex:
kind: Backup
  name: data-backup
  namespace: openshift-velero
  * openshift-stakater-3scale
  * '*'
  storageLocation: default
  ttl: 72h0m0s
  * default

Different Schedule Definitions and their meanings#

Changing some parameters in Schedule CR, changes the backup behavior

  • snapshotVolumes: (boolean)

    • true (makes Velero to take native volume snapshots)
    • false (no native Velero snapshots taken)
    • Not Specify (Defaults to auto behavior define within Velero) Note: You don't specify this parameter with Velero CSI plugin
  • includeClusterResources: (boolean)

    • true (includes all cluster level resource, snapshotVolumes needs to be true to take PV snapshots)
    • false (exclude cluster level resources, including PVs. So there will be no snapshots)
  • Excluding both snapshotVolumes and includeClusterResources will have default behavior of taking snapshots for only included namespaces PVs.

Backup target Filters#

You can use resource filtering options to backup specific resources. Typical ones are following;

  • labelSelector: Specify the labels for the backup target resources MatchExpression has several operators such as In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.
  • includeClusterResources: (boolean) Set true to include cluster level resources like PV etc.
  • includedNamespaces: Specify the namespaces in which backup target resources are included
  • includedResources: Specify the resource types for the backup target resources
  • excludeNamespaces: Specify the namespaces to exclude from backup
  • excludeResources: Specify the resource types to exclude from backup NOTE: You have to select the resource filters properly. For example, if the target application has cluster-scope resources, then you cannot use --include-namespaces only.

backup destination#

  • snapshotVolumes: (boolean) Set true for doing volume snapshots
  • storageLocation: BackupStorageLocation CR name
  • volumeSnapshotLocations: VolumeSnapshotlocation CR name

retention policy#

  • ttl: The backup retention period


Restore on the same cluster or the other cluster in the case of cluster broken. Update your backup storage location to read-only mode (this prevents backup objects from being created or deleted in the backup storage location during the restore process):

kubectl patch backupstoragelocation <STORAGE LOCATION NAME> \
    --namespace openshift-velero \
    --type merge \
    --patch '{"spec":{"accessMode":"ReadOnly"}}'

Create a restore with your most recent Velero Backup:

velero restore create --from-backup <BACKUP NAME>

When ready, revert your backup storage location to read-write mode:

kubectl patch backupstoragelocation <STORAGE LOCATION NAME> \
   --namespace openshift-velero \
   --type merge \
   --patch '{"spec":{"accessMode":"ReadWrite"}}'

restore target filter#

If you want to restore specific resources, you can use resource filtering. For example, you can restore resources in web namespace:

velero restore create --from-backup <BACKUP NAME> --include-namespaces web --namespace openshift-velero


You have to select the resource filters properly. For example, if the target application has cluster-scope resources, then you cannot use --include-namespaces only.