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Pipeline Secrets

SAAP Pipelines requires secrets for CI/CD workflow. Following are the secrets used, along with their usage details.


Purpose: nexus-helm-auth secret is used in CI pipeline to push and pull helm charts from private nexus registry hosted on the cluster. This secret contains credentials for a machine-user to login into the registry.

Owner: Stakater

Type: Service Account (Shared user)

User for: CI pipelines

Do not use for: Logging in to registry from your local machine

Creation: This secret is created at the time Nexus is set up. It is hard-coded in nexus-pre-install configMap, and created through nexus-setup job.

Rotation: This secret needs to be added to Vault, which is then reconciled by External Secrets Operator, and a Kubernetes secret is created in cluster against it.

Stored in: Keeper


Purpose: nexus-docker-config secret is used in CI pipeline to push and pull container images from private nexus registry hosted on the cluster. This secret contains credentials for a machine-user to login into the registry.

Owner: Stakater

Type: Service Account (Shared user)

User for: CI pipelines

Do not use for: Logging in to registry from your local machine

Creation: This secret is created at the time Nexus is set up. It is hard-coded in nexus-pre-install configMap, and created through nexus-setup job.

Rotation: This secret needs to be added to Vault, which is then reconciled by External Secrets Operator, and a Kubernetes secret is created in cluster against it.

Stored in: Keeper

Sample Secret:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: nexus-docker-config
  namespace: <namespace>
immutable: false
  .dockerconfigjson: >-
    <Base64 encoded value>
  config: >-
    <Base64 encoded value>

Sample .dockerconfigjson:

    "auths": {
      "": {
        "auth": <base64 value of [user:password]>
      "": {
        "auth": <base64 value of [user:password]>


Purpose: git-auth secret is used in CI pipeline. It's purpose is to clone git repositories into workspaces that are used in pipeline steps to perform any defined action. The secret contains a token that has access to defined user and repository permission (fine-grained token).

Owner: Stakater

Type: Service Account (Shared user)

User for: CI pipelines

Do not use for: Logging in to registry from your local machine

Creation: This secret is created by GitHub organization admin. More details on how to create this can be seen here

Rotation: This secret needs to be added to Vault, which is then reconciled by External Secrets Operator, and a Kubernetes secret is created in cluster against it.

Stored in: Keeper

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